Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Kuala Lumpur Travel Guide

Kuala Lumpur is a wonderful city that can truly be described as a melting pot. The mixture of Malay, Indian and Chinese inhabitants have helped to shape this vibrant, modern city. A trip to Malaysia simply wouldn't be complete without a few days in Kuala Lumpur.
The iconic Petronas Towers are a pulling point for many travelers and they really are pretty impressive. Cek Resi Tiki Online

Up until 1998, these towers were the tallest building in the world and this is definitely something that the Malaysian people are proud of. Although it isn’t possible to go right to the top, you can buy a ticket for the observation bridge which connects the two towers. Make sure you get there early as you will need to queue up in order to get one of the limited places in the lift. At the foot of the towers there is a big shopping center with designer boutiques, restaurants and a museum about petroleum (Petronas is a petroleum company). It also has a food hall which serves a huge array of different cuisines, from traditional Malay curry, to Korean cuisine, to MacDonald’s!
Another great attraction is China Town. This bustling area in central Kuala Lumpur is definitely the place to go if you are after a bargain. The night market on Petaling Street is brimming with stalls and shops where you can practice your skills in haggling with vendors offering everything from knock-off designer watches to herbal remedies for impotence. It’s also a great place to sample the local fruit produce and the cheap food stalls here are a great hit with travelers and locals alike.
If you feel like going on an adventure out of the centre of Kuala Lumpur, you can hop on a local bus bound for the Batu Caves. Located up an impressive 272 steps, the Bau Caves are a magnificent series of caves formed out of limestone 400 million years ago. The main temple cave has a 300ft high ceiling and is filled with religious sculptures, along with a scary looking snake for you to pose for a photo with! At the foot of the steps there are a handful of souvenir shops and great cafes where you can tuck into a tasty curry before catching a bus back to central Kuala Lumpur.

For more information about Kuala Lumpur and to build your own Malaysia trip, take a look at Malaysia Travel Plan.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Lombok. The Best Destination For Your Trips

Paket Wisata Lombok

Bali island is one of Indonesian island located between Java and Lombok,paket wisata lombok and have many beautiful sight seeing from natural attraction to fantastic beach and also compliment accommodation that support the beauty of Bali island.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Advice for the Guy With Huge and Small Penis

Is a big penis a gift or a burden? Well, everyone loves a mystery but here’s something all men, the haves and the have-nots, need to know to use it well.

It’s a fact of life that some guys are more gifted in certain areas than others. But that’s not to say that you can’t make the most of what you have EITHER way. When it comes to a big penis, opinion remains firmly divided on the matter.
Some women say size really doesn’t matter, and some will insist, in fairly forthright terms, that it most definitely does. Our best advice for the haves and have-nots? Find the right woman for you and your own particular offering.

Growth of E-Commerce Industry in Transport and Logistics

Transport and logistics refer to a wide area, but in the industry we can refer cek resi jne transport to passengers and logistics to freight. It is usual for the customers to trust the transportation system for receiving a timely delivery of goods when required. With the emergence of e-commerce, online businesses like the transport and logistics have become more active.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Looking For Friendship

Hi My name is Mila Kosovic 22 Old Years, 178cm Height and 61 Kg Weight.. I am looking for friendship also soul mate. I came from Ukraine and  i have plan traveling to India..If some one can share their room i would like to be...

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Ide Liburan Saat Lebaran Yang Murah Meriah

Bingung cari tempat wisata yang asyik di Indonesia? Ayo, cobalah liburan di Jawa. Pulau Jawa memiliki pesona tersendiri untuk berwisata yang tidak kalah eksotisnya dibandingkan dengan pulau-pulau lainnya di Indonesia. Berwisata di pulau Jawa tentulah lebih mudah dijangkau karena beragam transportasi dan akomodasi tersedia. Jadi, sangatlah mudah untuk menjelajahi tempat wisata di Jawa. Tinggal pilih mau wisata ke mana, semuanya menawarkan keunikannya. Berikut tempat wisata favorit di Jawa:

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Mengapa Banyak Pria di FACEBOOK Mengalami Ejakulasi Dini,Ini Sebabnya !

Ejakulasi dini ialah satu diantara permasalahan seksual yang paling umum dihadapi golongan pria dari seluruh umur. Walau demikan hingga saat ini kaum pakar mengakui belum tahu terlampau banyak pemicu ejakulasi dini meskipun usaha-usaha untuk menyembuhkannya senantiasa dikerjakan.
Ejakulasi ialah keluarnya air mani (semen) berbarengan sperma dari ujung kepala penis (uretra) yang senantiasa diikuti dengan perasaan nikmat yang dikatakan orgasme. Seseorang pria yang alami ejakulasi lebih cepat dari yang dia serta pasangannya berharap dikatakan menanggung derita ejakulasi dini.